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Wise Fuel Distributor

Our unique digital solution to help you manage and predict supply/demand, track fuel deliveries in real-time, monitor your customers’ consumption and improve your logistics by tracking your fleet without the need of telematics.

DTWISE Who we Serve - Liquid Fuel Suppliers Image

Tracks the progress of daily Liquid Fuel deliveries in real-time, improves logistics and keeps customers happier.

This smart solution is designed to offer  value added services that fully respond to the needs of liquid fuels consumers. Users can get a clear view of their consumption and  their remaining fuel stock. At the same time the Utility/Supplier gets real-time feedback of each customer’s fuel level , thus being ahead of demand and able to offer timely response .

Our Wise Fuel Distributor solution helps both sides improve interaction and allow the build-up of advanced add-on services that will guarantee satisfaction and efficiency for both consumers & suppliers.

  • Real-time consumption monitoring
  • Supply/demand response management
  • Improved demand prediction
  • Allows build-up of value-added services to end users
  • Rule-based automatic ordering
  • Real time Proof-of-Delivery & invoicing following delivery
  • Improved logistics (i.e. Track fleet vehicles without telematics)

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